Sunday, December 29, 2013
Asthma + Double Ear Infection
Her asthma, on the other hand, has been acting up for about a week before her infection took place and is constant throughout this infection period. You experience violent coughing in the morning and at night. Sometimes you gag and spit up and it breaks my heart. My demeanor is angry but it's not at you. It's at the sickness that I cannot control.
Feel better my little girl. Daddy's working hard to make sure you don't suffer.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thanksgiving Parade on Mill Creek Year 1
For one, we were super cold so we need to remember gloves and hats (if they fit over all of my girls' lovely hair).
Secondly, they were giving away a lot of candy so we need to bring our Halloween bags.
Third, Katie was way too crazy because of the action so we need to leave her at home. Sorry girl!
And the last option, we should remember to bring a camera to capture all of the Hasty Family fun times during this parade!
What a great time!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Dear Quentin,
You keep saying profane words at random and have been for the past few weeks. I don't know where you got them from but I wish you would stop.
I have talked to you up close, in front of your siblings and even yelled a couple of times. For the sake of this time capsule, I'm documenting the fact that this goes on and it should stop.
I love you!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Day 4 Picnic
Super excited about our picnic this evening. What can you say about meatloaf, mac & cheese and the Grinch?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
6th Anniversary with the #HastyKids
The kids are so excited and I'm sure they wouldn't be if they knew all we want is to have someone watch them so we can reflect and have a good time, just the two of us.
It's all good and as Molly shows her excitement it renews mine. Red Lobster is the destination and even though I am allergic to shellfish we are going for a memorable time.
Thanks HastyKids for sharing these great memories with us.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Nothing like [new] friends
Quentin also made friends with Matthew about a week ago and 3 other boys today. I didn't catch all of their names but it sure is nice for him to have new friends. Quentin, I don't know if you'll remember this but you played so hard with them that you fell asleep around 6 pm for the night and didn't wake up until 5:30 am the next day.
Nothing like new friends!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A Time To Grow
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Our First Camp out
Sunday, October 20, 2013
I like oatmeal now
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Happy birthday Molly!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Flash Cards Are Cool!

She loves the idea and (for almost a week) was actively studying them. Now how do I get her back on that train? The initial reason for the flash card movement was to increase her vocabulary and edge her closer to ready but it also provided for good Daddy & Daughter time. I am lost without this necessity because she lost her cards.
Lord help me get back on track with the flash cards and other activities to enhance our relationship. Gabriella, if you read this you are very smart for your age. As soon as you learn the benefits of discipline and routine (and then practice both) you will be on your way to success. I love you!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
I don't like turkey or ham
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Parent Teacher Night
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Missing the Hasty Kids
Oh how I do miss the Hasty Kids. I miss all of their warm hugs. I miss their quirky ways (most not worth mentioning). I miss praising them learning doing good things for others and themselves.
Molly, I'm so proud of you for being brave and playing right field in your first of many softball games. I'm mentioning you in this post because of the milestone of your first major sport game. The others will have their time but you are blazing the trail in so many ways that you make me proud to call you my daughter.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
First Day of Daycare
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The end of Summer 2013
After being home with Dad all summer, and Mom for the last week, he's spoiled once again. He is good at having a routine so I'm sure he will be alright with the new one we have planned for him during the school year. As we finished off this summer strong at the pool (see the picture below) we are ready for a year of firsts and hard work to come...
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Gabriella's first swim
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Swimming Breakthrough p1
Today Quentin is going under water when ever he wants to. Molly was floating, kicking and kinda-stroking. And Gabriella was seen relaxing with her mouth closed under water.
The Hasty Kids are well on their way to learning how to swim and they've conquered the first challenging step of overcoming the fear of going under water.
Lesson in May 2014...
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Number 5
"If you say the number 5 you will get disqualified."
Molly's 9 and Gabriella's 5. The girls were playing a thinking game like they same age. I'm so proud of Gabriella because she did a good job. In this game you have to m count up from number 1, taking turns, and skip over the number 5 every time you approach it. Hence the name.
The fact that they're playing nice together with a plus but the maturity and both of them not to get upset and to figure the rules out and share the game was remarkable.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
As you can see, they all were into the ice cream I purchased them from the truck that taunted us for about 20 minutes until I finally caught up with it. $6 dollars and a Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Eclair, and SpiderMan ice creams later this is the result:

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Hello this is the hasty home...
I guess it doesn't help that Sallie Mae is the most frequented caller...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I am proud of how the Hasty Kids act when they are in public and away from us especially during sleepovers but why are they so tired? I am sure it has to do with their personalities being maxed out with nonstop fun, this time with their cousins.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
What my name is...
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Random coloring
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Molly's responsibilities...
Well my girl Molly is 9 years old and she's officially a big girl! We have entrusted her with the responsibility of caring for Gabriella in the following ways: making sure she's dressed, making sure they both eat breakfast, and walking herself and Gabriella to school in the morning. This will all take place this fall for their new school Jenks.
This is quite a responsibility for Molly but I know that she can handle it. She is memorizing our numbers (home, cell, mom cell) as we speak. She's a very good students and the walk to school is only 2 blocks away. There is an easing in. Which I will walk both of them to school in the morning...and then we moved to Levittown.
Both of us...
My Quentin is so cute! He told me that I can't have one and he can't have one but both of us can have one. I forgot what we were talking about but it doesn't matter. The fact that his vocabulary is expanding is astounding, amazing, and exciting!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Adventures of Gabriella
As you notice in the pictures below, she spares no expense. The funny thing is she didn't even expect anyone to notice.
Gabrielle is all grown up now...
Sunday, March 10, 2013
You are not forgotten! Lucky #3
When you demand the iPod, demand to watch Shrek, demand a taffy at 8 am, or scream louder or more annoying than Gabriella, I hear you.
The fact of the matter is, I am attentive to you regardless of what you're doing. Take your time to be patient with me and your sisters. Learn as much as you can about taking care of yourself and then your family. I am still learning myself.
Love you always,
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Me Mom's house
When we get home and go into the house Molly wakes up to walk herself but many times, Gabriella and Quentin stay asleep from the car to the door of our house and then they are surprisingly awake to commence with their commands & demands.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Say it ain't so!
I on the other hand have bronchitis and pharyngitis. Pharyngitis? What is that? After looking it up on Wikipedia I found out that pharyngitis is just like laryngitis but it's another part of your throat that's affected/infected.
As we both progress to get better we are simultaneously growing closer. Gabriella is a very smart girl who likes to have fun and will not (under any circumstances) be held down/back from doing that.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Independent Hasty Kids
Morning times in this house (when we have somewhere to go) are crazy especially during the week. I am excited that the Hasty Kids are learning about what it takes to be independent and what jobs are "must have's" in life. I can't wait for the summer learning to begin!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Gods got it!
I reveled in joy as I heard both of my girls singing this song in the car this morning. What a blessing and an honor that my girls know that they don't need to worry about anything. Being a Christian and having a relationship with God is more than not having to worry but it makes the days that more enjoyable.
My kids are awesome!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Fevers are us!
I am so sad my little boy isn't feeling well but it was inevitable because he never gets sick. Moreover, I had to call out of work because only I can take care of him (my wife doesn't have any days to take off from work).
I bought an interchangeable thermometer to measure his temperature over time. His temp was a 101.4 but has since lowered to a 98.3 and then back up to a 99.4. I inquired with the doctors in what my next steps should be they were helpful and the verdict is that we just have to wait it out.
The next day Quentin and I took the girls to their drop-off location weekday mornings. He was very patient in the car when I took them, which never happens. While at home we played video games, ate, he took a nap, and when he awoke we played more games. I was beginning to think that he really wasn't sick at all but if you saw this rash, I'm sure you would be convinced.
Although Quentin's fever has been non-existent since last night, I am not taking any chances. I called the Dr's help line and requested a call back in regards to the steps I need to take next. My wish is that they clear him to go back to school but I am patient and giving it to God to handle.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Molly loves to watch her TV shows, play her iPod, and just relax but I told her that all things should be balanced. For example, her entertainment can be the fun part of her day combined with the following: studying her multiplication tables or playing her recorder can be the work part of her day, maintaining her good health (e.g. not eating too much junk food, taking showers and brushing her teeth, getting enough sleep, exercising, etc.), speaking to God, and socializing with family, friends, or via reflection.
As I struggle with balance in my life, I want her not to do this when she gets older. As the responsibilities pile on for all of us in life, starting good habits while we're young is ideal. For the Hasty kids, I'm trying to make it real!