Friday, December 11, 2015

Principles award

I'm so grateful that the principles award my daughter one is not negative. Mostly connotations with the principal and a student would be negative but in this case is the highest award a child to receive.

Gabriella, I'm so proud of you! Yesterday you receive the principles award at family foundations academy and I couldn't be more pleased. This is so important because we highlight your awards achievements and good doing. You're not perfect and with that said we make sure to strengthen your shortcomings wow being excited and celebrating your achievements.

When I was younger my parents did not do this. I can't remember any achievements except for winning the football trophy with the team when I was 10 years old and a winning two distinguished awards in high school. That's almost a complete blackout of any positive academic feats and I'm Mr. Optimistic!

Please let us know if we're not praising you enough. I believe you and your siblings are outshining Mom and I and we couldn't be more proud of you. Every success deserves our highest praise and know that we're in your corner through the good and the bad.



Monday, November 30, 2015

Fred Astaire and not Eminem

I just had a run-in with my son where he said something rude to me. The context of the rude statement isn't relevant it's just the fact that he's being rude more frequently and doesn't see it as rude.

I'm crossing the fine line with my son the way he is afraid that I'm going to punish him versus he doesn't know what is rude and is just being himself? I think he's following the behaviors in school with some of his classmates but because he's typically good he doesn't say things in a fresh way to his teachers. When I asked if he said such rude things to his teachers he replied, "no". Then why do you say them to Mommy and I?

After the cool down he seems fine but I left making him aware of what he said that was rude. 

Quentin, any time you feel like something may be rude just ask us and we'll let you know. You need to change and so do we. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Love always,


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Distinguished honors ceremony

It was 9:00AM in the morning and I remember walking into Stanton Middle School and sitting in the auditorium. Several parents were there but not nearly as many as I saw later.

I was awaiting the breakfast and ceremony for my big girl to be awarded with Distinguished Honors. I didn't know how big of a deal it was until the numbers came into play. You are special!

The presenter must have read about 80 names in all but when he called your name it was one of only 16. Congratulations Molly! To come from 2 different schools in 4 years and receive honors, honor roll and distinguished honors in all of them is a great accomplishment.

Mom and I are so happy for your hard work and intelligence paying off and you need to know that!

Lastly, the main thing I remember is that you sincerely thanked me for coming to the ceremony before I left. This moment is priceless and has been committed to my permanent memory log.

Love you!


Friday, November 6, 2015

90 minutes

So, 90 minutes was all it to took for my son to have a jumping good time!

It was the celebration of his 6th birthday and his two favorite people were there to help him have as much fun as possible. I know you're thinking I mean his sisters but not this time. Instead, it was Junior and Brayden. His two favorite friends and the destination most sought, Sky Zone.

Bud, you might not remember it but we drove you all the way up to our old neighborhood for you to have a mid-week-night party with your two closest friends. Something tells me that you're gonna remember your first party outside of the house.

I pray that you have many more friends and parties!
Quentin, Junior and Brayden 11/08/15

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall Sports...

As the season's wind down, I am happy to say that I am proud to see the growth in all three of you. Molly, you've showed your comfort level while batting and your intelligence on the field. Gabriella, you have showed your growth and patience as a player over all. You can also hit very well. Quentin, you have adopted a new sport and you are the Bomb! Soccer is officially your Fall sport so get ready to play year round.

Again, I'm proud of all of you and look forward to your Spring Seasons. Stay tuned for a few videos and lots and lots of pictures. Baseball/Softball anyone?

Saturday, October 3, 2015

No sports this weekend 100315

Due to our downpours of rain over the last two days and forthcoming rain tgat has been anticipated, The Hasty kids games have been canceled. Practice was canceled last Wednesday also for the girls but Quentin had his fĂștball (soccer) practice.

As a parent I am overjoyed to see you practice grow play the successful and fail. These of the joys and which make me proud to be a parent, supporter, friend, coach, teacher, etc.

Don't forget all that you've done. All of the sports you've played. All that you've accomplished. Everything that you worked hard for. Al of the times you were defeated as well as all of your successes. You don't have many trophies or medals now but they will come.

I look forward to when I'm at your next game videotaping everything because my camera is now fixed! I'm proud of all three of you! All that you've accomplished thus far and all that you will accomplish. Don't forget to work hard, practice and have FUN!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Weeks 2 & 3 for Gabriella

So as I finish Gabriella's third 25+ page homework packet with her, I thank God that she is learning. The attitude she gives me needs to be unlearned but I'll save that for another blog post. Common Core Math is challenging my little girl but as she burrows through this work she is learning at lightening speed. 

I heard that her teacher loves the statistics that the students create. You know, homework completion percentage, etc. Hopefully she will enable my little girl to shine. Now if we can manage our time better we can reduce the amount of breakdowns due to exhaustion and lack of down time.

The bus situation is working a lot better and our family has a nice routine throughout the week with homework, pick-ups from school, babysitting in the mornings and sports practices and games. This is just a bookmark into our busy lives. Please remember how hard you are working and that we are all there with you.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 1: K, 2 and 6

As we ended our first week in the HastyKids' respective grades and schools, I need to reflect on the roller-coaster of emotions that your Mom and I have been through, as well as your learning experiences, thus far.

First off, Molly exclaimed that she wasn't going to the school I had enrolled her in. I completely respect your opinion Molly, but transferring you during your first week of Middle School is a challenge I would not like to meet again in the future for your nor your siblings. As a reminder, you were supposed to start school last Monday and ended up starting last Thursday. On top of that, your school's website is out-dated and we were pleasantly surprised to see that your new school offers Softball and Band. Thank You Jesus!

Gabriella and Quentin have shared similar challenges in their new environment, in a phrase, bus #2. In the past 7 days it was on time bringing them home once and late about 50 minutes on average the other days. The first time Mom almost called the police when an administrator said you two ended up back at your new school. Additionally, Gabriella is used to having a class with much fewer distractions and while she is growing socially I feel like she is slightly stunted in her new urban environment. Only time will tell.

Let the stories commence as we enter our new school environments.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Tooth-brushing and maturity

It dawned on me that Gabriella will be taking care of my youngest, Quentin. The two of them will be in school together for the first time and since Gabriella is the oldest, she will be showing him the ropes.

It is in her nature to be thorough and by the book. However, she has been quite the instructor in topics ranging from doing different dances to proper tooth brushing techniques.

I am proud that she is growing into her newest role for she must learn on the fly. Both of the youngest HastyKids will be attending a new school this year. Gabriella will enter 2nd Grade and Quentin is just starting out in Kindergarten.

I will have a great time celebrating both of their many new accomplishments and challenges as they embark on this newest milestone. Just an FYI, I am proud of you both. You both need to keep having fun, working hard, and helping each other every day.

Braces and maturity

My eldest daughter got braces a few days ago and I am so proud of how well she is taking it. Her gums are sore, she eats slower, and she is picky about what she eats but she is taking the proper steps to becoming a teenager.

Just this summer I heard her correcting her siblings like we do. She was stern but not abusive, strict not overbearing. She knows how to give consequences for her mischevious brothers' actions.

What made me blog about this milestone was her ability to tell us what she didnt like about a school we enrolled her in. We came from the Open House tonight and were reflecting lin our car before we left the parking lot. 

Mom and I can be overbearing with our opinions of institutions, I'm sure because we are both teachers, but Molly stepped up to the plate and let us know what she really thought.

Ultimately she doesnt want to go there and she won't. Mom and I work too hard for foolishness. I believe she will succeed anywhere. I lean on God to make sure that somewhere is right for my big girl.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Really into video games...

Dear Quentin,

You love playing games of all sorts, especially video games. Last summer I spoiled you and bought several video games like: soccer, college and professional football, college and professional basketball, Lego Batman & Robin, etc. A student in one of my classes gave me Halo 3 and your life hasn't been the same since. 

For the record, this is the first game you and I beat together. Regardless of that milestone, this is your go to game. If anyone were to have a list of the most coveted things, this would be on your list. I love that about you! You are passionate, energetic and a jokester! Don't lost any of that when you get older.



Sunday, August 2, 2015

Growing up...

You're growing so fast
Not many can see
But I watch your every move
Your the boy I want you to be.

Your strong, ambitious and persistent. Don't lose any of those traits as you get older. This post goes out to you as you lost your second tooth. I'm proud of you from your smallest to your greatest accomplishments.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Father daughter dance 2015

Last Friday was Emerson's father daughter dance. Eileen and I discussed it briefly. I was dissatisfied with last year's event, thus I decided that we weren't going this year.

That led me to go on a hunt for the best alternative plan for a father daughter #datenight It really didn't take that long for me to decide where I wanted to go. However, the question was whether there would be a saxophonist and how much would it cost?

Chris' jazz café in Center City on 13th and Sansom was the spot for our first annual father daughter #datenight

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Growth check in February 2015

Dear Quentin,

It's been sometime since I blogged about you but you've grown so much. You still seem like a little boy when you wear your Batman pajamas with a little Cape like you did last night. I recognize your growth and strength size and intelligence.

You started playing video games heavily at the beginning of last summer. I was skeptical whether they would catch on, or you would be any good, but you've practiced diligently, had difficult times and joyous conquesrs and are learning ning more through video games then anything else.

Your vocabulary has grown tremendously and started to blossom at the age of three years old. However, I am worried about your recognition of letters and of 2015 I've started a garage to get you up to where I think you should be because you started kindergarten in the fall.

It's going to be tough but I know you trust me everything will be alright. This is just like a video game except okay learning in a different way. Several apps you been playing with on the iPhone and iPod you're learning your letters, how to write them. Later on we'll get you into your numbers. My goal is for you to know everything by this June. Deal?


Lessons on emotions

About a week and a half ago Molly lost a classmate. It hit her hard for many reasons of which I don't now. Mom comforted her and supported her and guided her through the process of emotional maturation.

It is never easy to lose someone especially when you don't see it coming. This young boy sat in the same seat as Molly when they would switch classes.Eileen and I have talked about whether she should attend the wake or not.

Whether she is aware of it or not she has been meddling in sadness about his loss. God will provide strengthen and conquer all feelings of emotion and doubt. Trust in Him! Amen.