Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pancakes and Santa

We met Santa today and had a great time. We were at th Edgley Firehouse for a pancake breakfast. To only $6 a child we had pancakes & sausage, had their faces painted, met Santa, and met Elsa and Olaf. Thanks for behaving and making me proud to be your dad!

Friday, November 28, 2014

They'll be alright

I was talking to Molly yesterday about how proud I was of her. I complimented the other Hasty Kids also, but this talk with Molly evolved into my main concern, how are the Hasty Kids going to manage when the parents aren't around?

Now I went to the extreme in talking about the importance of knowing that they would do the right things when we were to die. This was mentioned briefly because we all know and accept this fact of life. However, I sparked this complimentary dialogue because Molly started to practice her instrument on her own.

Mom told me that she has been doing this for some time and I felt instant Joy. Many times I don't see what effects I have on the Hasty Kids. I thank God that the priority is being picked up by my trailblazing daughter! 

Molly, when you read this know that I am so proud of you! Of all your accomplishments and all that you have yet to accomplish. Of your sens of humor, your beauty, your strength and your kind heart! You are the best big sister, first daughter, and child anyone could ask for and I thank God that he has blessed me with you.

Love you and always proud,


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Quentin

Five below was a great time for my boy! We purchased a skateboard and a shooter. We had a cake from Walmart with the Planes cast on it. We ate tacos for dinner and we had some family over. Quentin had a good time overall.

My boy is 5 this year and he can't get football off of his mind. If you can't remember I got Halo 3 for you and you love it!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Thanks for a most wonderful birthday. I am continuing my tradition of doing for others on my birthday and what better way than to celebrate my daughter, Molly, and her new Softball stardom. If you don't remember, I believe we shopped for cleats after we ate breakfast at our Denny's spot!

Happy birthday me and I love you family!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Molly's a Swimmer!

Two days ago Molly did a great job swimming. Molly and Gabriella learned how to swim this summer and while I was teaching her how to increase her swimming strength, she messed around and swam further than I did at our neighborhood pool!

I am very proud of you at this time but must remind you to humble yourself as you increase in your skills and talents. I say this because you totally rubbed it in my face that you swam better than me. I was smad. I still love you though!

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Hasty Kids can swim!

I am so excited as a parent and a human being! I learned how to swim about 4 years ago (after I turned 30 years old) and 2 out of 3 of my kids learned today! Quentin is better acquainted with the water. Gabriella moved out of Quentin's Level 1 class and passed Molly's Level 2 class with her! Molly took her ease of going underwater and swims like a pro now.

I am so proud of all of you!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Letter C...

Hey Quen,

I'm so excited to know what you know and what you don't!

I love that you can spell your name but you don't know what most of the letters look like.

I love that you know your ABC's but you can only recognize A and B.

I love that you are learning the letter C this week and are doing a great job! Remember the following: what the letter C looks like, and two words that begin with C are Cat and Cow.

image from:

Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


When going bowling didn't work, due to the start of leagues that night, we went with Plan B, THE MOVIES! I dread the movies because they are so expensive. Mom asked me not to tell her how much they cost but the bottom line is we had a great time.

Maleficent, the prequel to Sleeping Beauty, was a pretty good movie. So good, in fact, that I had to see Sleeping Beauty all over again. Here we are posing with the How To Train Your Dragon 2 poster. I love Oxford Valley Movie theater. They have great posters to pose in front of and capture the moment.

I hope you all enjoyed the movie. What a Plan B!

Love always,


Sunday, June 29, 2014

What's my name?

So the other day I did the following (not in any order):

  • washed dishes
  • made dinner
  • made lunch
  • made breakfast
  • went food shopping
  • went to 1 cleaners establishment to drop off Mom's pants
  • went to another cleaners establishment to pick up Mom & Dad's clothes for the week
  • bought a birthday present & wrapped it (in a gift bag nonetheless)
  • and too the #HastyKids bowling alongside Gabriella for the party she had to attend.
All in all I would say it was a productive day. However, what made the day so special was when Molly entitled me Super Dad, out of the side of her mouth.

I still love you!


Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Reading

Dear Gabriella,

You are tearing this Summer Reading thing up, huh? I am so proud of you. You are 4 books deep and the summer reading program just started on Monday.

Keep an eye on the words, special, why, whole and spot. I am so proud of your achievements and excellent reading. I think you're going to be the as aggressive as Molly was last summer.


I don't like being late...

Dear Molly,

I learned something about you yesterday. You don't like being late. I should have known this for a while because you leave for school with Gabriella pretty early to leave room for error.

You don't like being late. You were upset at me yesterday because we arrived at your Music camp 5 minutes late, even though I knew they weren't going to start on time. The principle is, you don't like being late.

Had I known that they were going to dismiss 5 minutes earlier than they said, I wouldn't have been late for you on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Sorry for being late whenever I was and I now know that you don't like being late.

Love always,


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God Help Me Quentin...

Dear Quentin,

It is so hard to discipline you this summer. Ever since I took you out of Daycare you have been off the hook! You are whining, yelling, hitting, screaming and crying when you don't get your way. What gives?

I love you! With that said, calm down and everything's gonna be alright!

You are the youngest and my only boy! Mom and I love you dearly! That won't ever change and the aforementioned adjectives show just how much we care for you. Please curb your attitude to maximize the fun we can have together. Otherwise, your hour-long whining, yelling, hitting, screaming and crying will turn into hour-long time-out visits.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The grudge that Molly never let go

Dear Molly,

I know that when I pulled your hair it hurt you physically and emotionally. I'm sorry now and shortly after it happened. I was just playing around but I wanted to let you know that when you yelled at me it hurt my feelings also. What hurts the most is that I told you about your lack of an apology and you still didn't apologize.

I don't want to blow this out of proportion but any apology would have been great coming from you and you didn't offer one. do you know why it didn't? As you read this, please don't let situations get the best of you. Forgive and move on because life's too short.



Thursday, June 19, 2014

Maybe Quentin...maybe...

Dear Quentin,

What a day we had today (i.e. Wednesday). I mean missing or delaying nap time is not a good look, huh? I wish you would articulate that.

No worries. Next year I plan to keep you in school that extra week when the girls are stuck there. How does that sound? I'm sure pretty good when the time comes because this will be your last year.

Time is flying and I want to bookmark this moment to make you aware that I'm aware that you need a nap!



Friday, May 30, 2014

Reading Log

I want to bookmark this time by saying that I am very proud of you and your reading this year. You started off strong in the summer and blazed trails that I wouldn't have imagined as you close in on your one thousand line of your reading log. To date (6/20/14) your grade for your period 4 report states that you have 974 lines for the 100 book challenge. This seems to be the most out of the 4th grade and, I'm sure, is in the top 10 of the most lines read for the school.

Again, I am proud of your avid and persistent reading. I pray that you benefit from each and every word out of each and every book that you have read. do well this summer as I will be one of your biggest cheerleaders!



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The worst dad ever

Dear Quentin,

I am bookmarking this time in your life when you exclaimed that I was "the worst Dad ever". I can't remember what I did, but please remember that I try my very best to love, support and care for you.



Tuesday, May 20, 2014


My girl seems like she's warming up with her batting nowadays. I started practicing batting with her today and she's had 2 hits her last game. Her absence and lack of official practices, this is a good fit for her. I can see her confidence growing. She has even been watching college softball with the family and it's inspired her to go out and practice batting.

What will she do during a game? Will she cautiously watch the ball go by and hope for walk? Will she be overaggressive and swing at every pitch? Only time will tell and I anticipate her next game.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Forgotten & Lost

Dear Gabriella,

I'm going to start out by saying that I don't want to take blame for your Pillow-pet missing, or the apparent hole in it. Let's just get into the explanation.

It was a Daddy day, where we all were hanging out. You were in your yell-until-I-get-want-I-want phase and in the middle of a tantrum when I threatened to take away your beloved Pillow-pet. Of course you tested the limit and I took it away and gave it back to you with compliance of good behavior.

This interchange went on about 3 times until I didn't give your Pillow-pet back. Let me add that each time I took your toy, I threw it into the top part of our light fixture to prevent you from taking it back. The day progressed into night and when your last tantrum ended I forgot to give you the toy back.

I later turned on the light to do something in our bedroom and left it on. The light + Pillow-pet = Hole as seen below.
Additionally, I'm sorry for this unfortunate accident. However, you never asked for the Pillow-pet again.



Saturday, May 3, 2014

Morrisville 5/3/14

From not pitching and being scared of the ball last Fall to being the main pitcher and fearless, my girl won the Game ball in her Softball game last Saturday. Molly had about 5 strikeouts and several plays on the ball. She also had one run and 2 hits to help her team out.

I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work via practice and "Patience".
Morrisville Game 050314

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hello Nana! Goodbye Nana :(

just as I thought it was alright to tell my kids that their grandmother my mother was coming out to see them for the first time in two years she called and cancelled. I guess I should be happy that it was a whole two days before she was supposed to, but I'm not.

My relationship with my mom was not this hard. Did I really try with my mom? I feel like I'm a kid wishing for Christmas but all I want is for my mother to be a grandmother to my children.

Maybe I'll shoot for this summer, perhaps.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Report cards at Emerson for Period 1

Mostly O's (Outstanding) for Gabriella and mostly for Molly! I'm so glad that both of you are emerging as excellent students.

Gabriella, please read more and study your words via Quizlet.

Molly, please balance all of your talents: reading, writing, playing the saxophone, playing softball, and talking.

With diligence and hard work the sky is the limit and I can't wait until your next report card!

