Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This Thanksgiving was quaint but filled with love. Your Me Mom came over and represented for the special guest portion of our celebration.

We had our first fresh turkey from Whole Foods. We were macaroni and cheese less. We had 3 different different pies. It was shoe cold outside but with the new space heat Mom and Dad got we were toasty in the house.

Your favorite things about thanksgiving were: 

Gabriella: eating the turkey and the cranberry sauce
Molly: eating the apple and pumpkin pies
Quentin: chocolate milk but when led he said the pies and the turkey

We had a great time overall. I wish we were with more family but any is better than none. We look forward to Christmas.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

6th Anniversary with the #HastyKids

Well who would know it would have come so fast? My 6th Anniversary to my lovely wife Eileen!

The kids are so excited and I'm sure they wouldn't be if they knew all we want is to have someone watch them so we can reflect and have a good time, just the two of us.

It's all good and as Molly shows her excitement it renews mine. Red Lobster is the destination and even though I am allergic to shellfish we are going for a memorable time.

Thanks HastyKids for sharing these great memories with us.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nothing like [new] friends

So Gabriella and Molly made friends with the girls across the street, Brie and Emily a couple of months ago. They play nice together however I don't dig their habits of riding their bikes int he street. Our girls are smarter than that. Additionally Molly doesn't like the way one of them acts so they don't spend that much time with them.

Quentin also made friends with Matthew about a week ago and 3 other boys today. I didn't catch all of their names but it sure is nice for him to have new friends. Quentin, I don't know if you'll remember this but you played so hard with them that you fell asleep around 6 pm for the night and didn't wake up until 5:30 am the next day.

Nothing like new friends!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Time To Grow

We were outside today and my wife suggested that we try Gabriella on the bike that is the next step up (i.e. doesn't have training wheels). We did and after a couple of hours of training and running alongside her, I feel she is ready for it. What a big girl. 

GOAL:  Riding without training wheels for next Spring 2014.