Monday, May 13, 2013

The Number 5

"If you say the number 5 you will get disqualified."

Molly's 9 and Gabriella's 5. The girls were playing a thinking game like they same age. I'm so proud of Gabriella because she did a good job. In this game you have to m count up from number 1, taking turns, and skip over the number 5 every time you approach it. Hence the name.

The fact that they're playing nice together with a plus but the maturity and both of them not to get upset and to figure the rules out and share the game was remarkable.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Today marked another Mother's Day but I'll save the elaboration for another post. Instead I will talk about how I spoiled my children with their own ice cream treat from the ICE CREAM TRUCK!

As you can see, they all were into the ice cream I purchased them from the truck that taunted us for about 20 minutes until I finally caught up with it. $6 dollars and a Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Eclair, and SpiderMan ice creams later this is the result: