Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Our trip to DC, NYLF drop off

Gabriella is out and on her own for a week in DC (via Chevy Chase, MD) at the 4H building.

We went down to DC, spent the night, didn't do much in terms of sight-seeing but Dad sure liked the hotel. It was in the city and had a pool. Next time we should stay outside of the city, still get a pool, and plan to do more sight-seeing activities. We should also leave Wilmington a lot sooner so that we can enjoy DC for more than a day. FYI: We left Delaware around 2PM.

HastyFamily, what were your thoughts about the trip? I asked you when it was going on and here is what you said:

  • Molly: "I loved the Greek food (from Zorba's) and the pool was awesome!"
  • Gabriella: I got to see the White House...
  • Quentin: The pool was good. I wish I got to see other monuments in DC...
  • Dad: We should have left sooner but at lease we swam in a pool and had an amazing bagel breakfast.
  • Mom: "We are never going to the movies on a family vacation again." 

For the record, Gabriella and I went to see the White House while everyone else sat in the car about 4 blocks away in Downtown DC.

Then you came back, did well and we were very happy! Yay Gabriella!